Fast Lane Truck - Tough Trucks Take to the Track
Automotive Social Ford,GMC,Nissan,Ram,Truck Fast Lane Truck – Tough Trucks Take to the Track

Fast Lane Truck – Tough Trucks Take to the Track

Fast Lane Truck - Tough Trucks Take to the Track

Is it important to you that a truck is fast? The Fast Lane Truck race is one that can tell you which truck is the fastest on the track.

Maybe you don’t need the truck to be the fastest one on the market or even the fastest on the road, but it’s good to know that you can take your truck out on the highway to test what your truck can do. You want to be able to pass on the highway and have confidence when you pull a trailer, but it seems that one group decided they needed to test a few trucks for us to have a look at what the fastest model on the roads would be.

A Race of Power

Trucks are built to be powerful enough to get work done and offer you the hauling and carrying ability you want when you head out on the road or to the job site. The team at The Fast Lane Truck has put together the video that you see below of four impressive half-ton trucks that were put up against each other. This race is one that certainly allows the brand-loyal crowd to have bragging rights over others and it shows you how the trucks can perform.

It’s a Rematch

The team at The Fast Lane Truck performed this test once before, but there were a lot of complaints about the race because the Ford F-150 that was in the race had the power of the EcoBoost V6 engine under the hood instead of a V8. The fact that the race takes place near Denver, CO makes a difference because a turbocharged engine can perform better than a naturally aspirated one when the air is thinner, which it is at this city that’s built at a high altitude. Because of this, a new race was set up for the four trucks to compete again.

The Four Trucks Get Ready

There were only four entries into this truck race which are the Nissan Titan XD, the Ford F-150, the Ram 1500, and the GMC Sierra. Toyota didn’t have a truck ready for the test the first time or the second time this test was completed. The same track was used at IMI Motorsports Complex to give us the same conditions as in the past for the race. These trucks are fairly similar, but there is one difference that might cause a third race to be needed in the future.

Will there be a Third Race

As you can see from the video below, the Ford F-150 is the first to cross the line and finish the race. This truck may have once again had a bit of an advantage over the rest of the trucks. The F-150 used was the only model that’s set up in 2WD while the other three are all 4WD models. This gives the Ford a bit of an advantage and will make it necessary for us to see this team perform the race one more time with trucks that have equipment that’s as similar as possible for the race.

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