5 Car Maintenances You Can Do with Zero Car Knowledge
Automotive Social Maintenance,Used 5 Car Maintenances You Can Do with Zero Car Knowledge

5 Car Maintenances You Can Do with Zero Car Knowledge

5 Car Maintenances You Can Do with Zero Car Knowledge

Keeping up with car maintenance may seem like a daunting task and something that should be done by a professional, but there are several simple things you can do at home, even if you have zero car knowledge. Even an oil change is something you can do at home with just a little research. Take a look at some DIY maintenance items you can take on if you’re willing.

Refill Fluids

You can’t get much easier than checking and filling fluids. It’s not a bad idea to check things such as the oil, coolant, and washer fluid weekly or at least once a month.

You can do a simple oil change with just a wrench, funnel, and a ratchet and socket set. You’ll have to take some precautions to make sure the vehicle doesn’t move while you are under it, but changing the oil yourself means you can control the quality of the oil that goes in, and it’s cheaper.

Replace the Battery

Replacing the battery is a quick and simple process. A battery can cost as little as $75 or over $200, so if you want to save money, you can install a new one yourself.

The process only involves removing the cables, taking out the old battery, and securing the new one. While you’re in there, you can also clean up the connections to make sure you get the best possible charge.

Changing Spark Plugs

Spark plugs will last for up to and over 100,000 miles, but when you need new ones, you need them now. It’s easy to remove the spark plugs. All you need is a special spark plug wrench that you can get at any auto parts store.

Depending on the car model, you might need an inspection camera to help see into the small space where the spark plugs go.

Replace Windshield Wipers

Windshield wipers are an essential safety feature no matter what type of car you drive. You need good wipers to clear rain and snow from your windshield. If you find that your wipers are not working correctly, changing them out for a new pair is quick and easy.

There are a few different wiper connections, but those with a pin or a hook-and-slide design are the easiest. Just unfasten the old blade and then secure the new one in its place. You don’t need any special tools or expert knowledge to do this.

Changing windshield wiper blades for the different seasons is another reason you may want to do it yourself. Winter blades are designed specifically for removing snow and ice and are made with special rubber that will hold up in cold temperatures.

Change Headlight and Taillight Bulbs

You never want to find yourself in a situation where you have a headlight or taillight out. If you drive at night when these stop working, it could result in a traffic ticket.

Thankfully, changing the bulb is not difficult, and the bulbs are easily accessible at auto part stores.

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