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Chatbots Could Be the Conversational Marketing Tool You Need

Chatbots Could Be the Conservational Marketing Tool You Need

Conversational marketing allows your company to have a voice, even when you’re not physically in the office. Chatbots could be the tool you need to master this marketing challenge.

Users shop, scroll, search, and review products and services at all hours of the day and night. You can’t physically be present whenever a user visits your website, but your virtual presence can be. Chatbots allow your visitors to receive answers to their questions without the need to connect to a live person. Most of these tools can be programmed with answers to the most often-asked questions about your products and services.

Here are ten ways chatbots can help your company address your conversational marketing needs.

1. Your company always has a voice

Whether it’s simply impossible for your company to be face-to-face with your customers or a user visits your site during your off hours, you’ve still got a voice when you employ chatbots. Some of these tools can be programmed to guide users along the path from product review to the purchase process. These tools are advanced enough to aid companies in nearly every industry.

2. Consistent answers from chatbots

What happens when you ask five people in your company the same question? Typically, you’ll either receive five different answers or five variations of the right answer. Either way, the answers aren’t consistent. Because chatbots are programmed with certain answers to questions asked, they offer consistent answers to users. This is a great way to handle conversational marketing and know that your users are receiving the right answers without nuance or ambiguity. These consistent answers will give your visitors more trust in your company and its products.

3. Reduced operating costs

It’s much cheaper to put chatbots to work for your phone system and your online communication. This means you don’t need a human operator waiting for phone calls. This allows you to allocate your resources where you need them instead of leaving them at the reception desk answering phone calls. If your company doesn’t offer a physical presence where customers would visit, this can save you a lot of time and money. The phone calls that get through are those that can’t be answered by the chatbots.

4. Chatbots can resolve some problems smarter and faster than humans

Some customer concerns have nothing to do with the products or services but with a lack of understanding. Some chatbots are advanced enough to help answer questions and offer customer insights regarding the use of products or expectations of anticipated services. This is yet another great step that will put your company ahead of the rest in regard to conversational marketing. Imagine how great it can be when your chatbot handles most of your customer questions and concerns rather than these issues making it to your team.

5. These AI tools can help generate leads

Before a potential customer ever interacts with a member of your team, the chatbot you have programmed can collect the data required to generate a lead for your marketing team. The program does this by asking for information, why they are on the site, and what they hope to get out of the process. This information goes into a lead that can allow your team to follow up and begin to create a sales process for a new customer.

6. The most common questions get answered without human interaction

Ask anyone working in a retail store, and they will tell you the most common question is the location of the restrooms, even though there’s a sign to tell customers where it is. While you don’t have an online restroom for people, there are many repetitive, simple, and common questions asked of your company. The chatbot programs answer these questions and allow your team to focus on more important tasks. This might not be a conversational marketing solution, but it is a productivity solution.

7. Chatbots provide targeted marketing messages

As the chatbot gathers information, it can move a customer through the sales funnel by offering marketing messages and continued engagement based on answers to questions and the information gathered. This is as simple as how you order a pizza online and choose the specials or the deals you want versus building your own pizza to the complicated process of searching for healthcare advice based on symptoms. The more advanced these programs become, the more useful chatbots have become.

8. You speak several languages now

One of the largest barriers to conversational marketing is the number of languages spoken around the world. Using chatbots, your users can select the language that works best for them and read the questions and answers in their native language. This is a barrier that’s been broken down by the translation programs that are now offered in every corner o the internet. Your customers now receive information in the right language and interact with your company from anywhere in the world.

9. As your company grows, so can the chatbots

You don’t have to add more expenses to the ledger when you add more information into your chatbot program. As your company scales up, your IT department can program new answers for the bot to offer customers that visit your website. This doesn’t add more expense but adds better answers and a larger catalog of information that your customers can receive when they visit your website. Its typically impossible to grow any part of your company without more expenses, but chatbots offer this capability.

10. That first impression can increase your sales

The first interaction most users will have with your business will be through your chatbot. These programs can turn your first-time visitors into customers by showing your products, offering the best deals, and sending notifications to previous visitors to help them make a purchase decision. This aspect of conversational marketing happens at any time of day or night, which means you could wake up in the morning to more sales and revenue because your chatbot program showed new users the path through your site.

How will you utilize chatbots to handle your conversational marketing challenges? These AI programs could be the answer to all of your questions.

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