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Car Trends We Hope Will Die

10.06.16 - Stretched Tire

Specific items in cars are often simply a reaction to a trendy idea and what some people want to deem as possible junk for the automotive world. While these items sound cool now, the reality is most of them are basically useless and have become trends that will eventually die off for us to laugh at. These trends will not only go away, anyone who tries to continue them, with the exception of car show originals, will be mocked and laughed at until they can’t even go out in public. Let’s take a look at a few trends we want to see die off very soon.

Puddle Lights – These are lights that are positioned at the base of the side mirrors to light the area around the driver and passenger side doors. The purpose in this lighting is to let you see if you’re going to step into a puddle to get into your car. Hopefully the future holds a much better way for us to ensure we keep our shoes dry as we enter the vehicle.

Drift Charms – These are small toys attached to a hook that can swing to and fro on the back of the vehicle while it drifts. The higher the angle the more drift has been achieved, making others envious. This is a fad that was started in Japan and should hopefully die soon as we’ve seen these little items on nearly every vehicle make and model, even those that aren’t capable of drifting.

EV Anxieties – Currently it takes nearly twice as long to get most of the charge back into and EV when using a supercharging station. While some EV models do offer similar range to gasoline models, in the next decade you can be certain charging and range will be mainstream and charging may even be achieved faster than pumping gas at the tank.

Stretched Tires – These wider tires that some like to put under their cars that nearly rub the wheel well when turning might look cool, but they do nothing at all for the performance of the vehicle. This is a fad that should eventually go away, although it may be interesting to see if we come up with a worse tire fad or one that makes more sense in the next ten years.

Night Vision – Using an infrared camera you can have a feed to your screen which shows the road ahead in a different way than you can see it. Aren’t you supposed to see the road with your headlights? This technology isn’t useful unless you’re travelling at higher speeds at which time it seems you wouldn’t even bother to look at the screen.

Attention-Seeking Wraps – These are car graphics and colors that bathe a car in a color that wasn’t part of the original offering for the car. We’ve seen many celebrities do this to their cars; which make many want to follow along in the same manner. These ridiculous items will hopefully be a thing of the past soon with a simple “what were we thinking” plastered across them.

Driving – Soon you may not have to drive at all. While fully autonomous vehicles are still in the future, this is the most aggressive area car companies are researching as each manufacturer wants to be the first to have fully autonomous vehicles for us to enjoy on the road. This will allow you to perform other tasks, when it’s actually available and safe.

Note – Please excuse this video, it was posted months ago, there is not a current contest for a prize from the owners of this video, but you can enjoy viewing it and seeing if you agree that these trends need to die off quickly.

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